Published on March 5, 2004 By jeblackstar In Politics
With the mayor of New Platz facing criminal charges for solemnizing a marriage without a license, ironically not a criminal charge about performing marriages for Gay couples, Multnomah County, Oregon, home to such metropolises as Portland has jumped on the bandwagon and begun issuing marriage licenses for gay couples.

The Democratic Governor of Oregon, along with the state Republican party have made disapproving noises, but strangely, the only thing they have actually done is asked for a legal opinion, something that seems slow in coming.

While this is going on Lane County Commissioners, as well as commissioners in at least two other Oregon counties have asked their DA's office for a legal opinion on the constitutionality of such an action. This is seen as a precurser to issuing gay marriage licenses for themselves.

Good news all around, except for those morally and religiously opposed, and to them I say ::bbbbpppppphhhhhtttttt::

Cheers all

on Mar 05, 2004
God bless America, land that I love. Stand beside her and guide her through the night with a light from above. From the mountains to the prairies to the oceans white with foam, God bless America, my home, sweet home.
on Mar 05, 2004
Oh, as a point of clarification, I fully support gay legal marriages.

Churches can do whatever the hell they feel like.

Though I belong to a church whose minister has been performing gay weddings for the past fifteen years.

on Aug 01, 2011

Congratulations on that and good luck on issuing gay marriage licenses. I hope that gay couples can also have benefits in the government. 









Social Network for Same Sex Registry


on Aug 01, 2011

I'll be impressed when they can make a child without assistance. Until then... yawn. Marriage is too over-rated. Divorce lawyers must be salivating though, whole new client base.

But it does open up the argument for polygamy. I'm sure plenty want that too. go go go

on Aug 02, 2011


Gay "marriage"!

Good news all around, except for those morally and religiously opposed, and to them I say ::bbbbpppppphhhhhtttttt::

Homosexual activists were all aflutter when this article was written in March, 2004.  But in the following November election, they received a rebuke from the citizens who clearly understood the significance and value of traditional marriage.They defended the sacred standard of marriage insisting that it remain a permanent exclusive union of one man and one woman permitting no others. 

In 2004, Oregon was one of  11 states that approved constitutional amendments that banned  same-sex "marriage".

We're living in a world that is under the sway of some very destructive ideas, the worst being that we can live as if Almighty God doesn't matter.  Marriage isn't man's to redefine according to his whims or to promote his own agenda. There is no such thing as men or women marrying each other for there is no legislature or court that can repeal the laws of nature and of Almighty God.