A citizen’s highest duty is to defend his freedoms. Those freedoms from something and freedoms to do things. He must be prepared to defend them against threats from without and within. When the time to pick up the sword comes, he must be ready and able to use it. But when that time comes, he has failed. He has failed to find another way, a way to avoid bloodshed and death. When the time comes to pick up the sword, he must hate it. For violence means that all other recourses have failed...
I've noted with growing concern the unfortunate tendency by some to gloss over or misunderstand the tax system and it's imposition, so in my own humble way I offer this: There's this whole complex economic theory which essentially states that the "minimum wage" and by this I mean the lowest possible wage allowed will always be insufficient to support a family. So, in a total free market economy no one cares about that and allows people to starve because after all, as Scrooge himself says i...
I thought everyone should have a look at this. Link
Regrettably I have been spending too much time here fighting the good fight both with and against many of you. Unfortunately I have midterms coming up and I regret that making/grading them will take up a good deal of my time in the next couple weeks. I will check in when I can and perhaps add something to the discussion, but alas, until approximately the end of february my full concentration must be on my job. I know that will make some of you very happy, and others won't care, but it's bee...
Well, with nearly all of the votes in and counted it appears as if Kerry will win by a commanding lead in five of the seven states. The only two exceptions being South Carolina, won by Edwards and Oklahoma which is running to close to call but with Retired General Wes Clark declaring himself the winner. Cheers
Someone asked me sometime ago how many American were dying in Afghanistan and regrettably I could only report that I couldn't find any info about it. Then, in a stunning flash of coincidence, I found that eight americans had died in Afghanistan Last Week No Cheers
I'm creating this post because I have difficulty understanding people's opposition to Gay marriage. I don't want this to become a gay or straight bashing blog so anyone who writes something mean will get deleted. If you have a considered opposition I would like to hear it. Thanks much Cheers
I would just like to state my displeasure here for some people who have been using personal attacks in some attempt to bolster their own points. Though I agree with the political points that some of these people have made, the effectiveness of their attacks is severely limited by their use of personal attacks. Unfortunately, this is a political reality. Canidates use attack ads, and while they trigger a visceral response, the more educated members of the voting public don't like them. I'...
I've noticed a difference between modern democrats and modern republicans, and I'm of course speaking of the most vocal members of the party. Modern Democrats, beginning with Bill Clinton, will take the "good" ideas of the right, by which I mean those that are good for the moderate members of the country, and make them their own, I'm not saying Bill pioneered this, but he did learn valuable lessons from Ronald Reagan. Since Democrats are able to take the center they can point at the extremis...
I'm just going to paste the link, because a) I don't want to plagerize by posting it here claiming it as my own, and y'all should have to do some work. Link Cheers
With the mayor of New Platz facing criminal charges for solemnizing a marriage without a license, ironically not a criminal charge about performing marriages for Gay couples, Multnomah County, Oregon, home to such metropolises as Portland has jumped on the bandwagon and begun issuing marriage licenses for gay couples. The Democratic Governor of Oregon, along with the state Republican party have made disapproving noises, but strangely, the only thing they have actually done is asked for a le...